Saturday, 18 December 2010

Semester Reflections

As the holiday break approaches, it is time to look back at what has so far been an amazing semester in Heidelberg. Unlike the general academic schedule in the United States, most universities in Germany function on a winter/summer semester schedule, and therefore Christmas does not mark the official end of the academic semester, as it does at UMass. The current Wintersemester will end in mid-February. Nevertheless, German students (and UMass students studying in Baden-Wuerttemberg) are still granted a holiday respite from studying. Despite the cold, it is very easy to enjoy the break from classes; Heidelberg (like many cities in Germany) organizes a wonderful Christmas market (Weihnachtsmarkt) every year. The city's market places have been filled with holiday decorations and wooden booths, from which vendors sell hot German cuisine, delicious mulled wine and other festive treats, and an indescribable assortment of holiday knickknacks. I plan to take full advantage of Heidelberg's enchanting Christmas festiveness with my three best friends, who are scheduled to arrive in Germany this week for a holiday visit!

As I prepare to receive my guests, all of whom have just completed their own semesters abroad and are stopping in Heidelberg to celebrate a German Christmas (with me!) before returning to the U.S., I have been thinking a lot about my own semester abroad (albeit still in progress) on the UMass in Baden Wuerttemberg Program. I'll dedicate my first few posts to a look back at some of the most pivotal moments and important aspects of my year so far. Happy reading!

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